I want to talk to you about Jennifer Crusie.
She's probably one of my favorites...Whenever I am in the mood for fun, lightweight chick reading, I have never failed with her.
A Couple of my faves by Jennifer Crusie are
1. Agnes and The Hitman (she wrote this one with Bob Mayer)
I promise I have never, ever read a book that made me laugh out loud
like this one did. I actually had tears running down my cheeks.
Cranky Agnes is one of my all time favorite heroines,
a regular girl with a great big streak of crazy in her.
a regular girl with a great big streak of crazy in her.
2. Faking It there is a whole lot going on in this one and
it is SO much fun! This is also one of her older books. Tilda and Davy are so fun together and again I totally cracked up the whole way through.
I love that Jennifer's characters always remind me of actual people I know.
I would also recommend the following Crusie books when you're looking for some reading fun and laughs! And just so you know, there is always nookie...
Bet me
Fast Women
Bet me
Fast Women
Crazy For you
Welcome to Temptation
Getting Rid of Bradley
I'm sure the other ones are great too I just haven't gotten to them yet..If you've read them feel free to tell me what you think!
I've got a very gently read (just by me) Hardback copy of
Faking It
up for grabs!
I'll be closing entries for this one April 14th
Please leave a comment here with your email!!
If you want an extra entry
place my new linky below on your sidebar and link me back!!
Don't forget we've got a great group of Chicks over on Goodreads.com!!
Come join us!
Group name is Chic Book Chick!!
Here's the LINKY for anyone who wants to add it to your blog
If you do, it will mean random acts of mailbox happiness in your future! Just make sure to link me back!! (If you need help figuring out how to do this email me at castellanoamy at yahoo dot com)
Don't forget I'm giving away 5 copies of Girls In Trucks on Friday!!
5 Sets of the three books I reviewed on Sunday!!
Just scroll on down....
Later CHICKS!!
I have only read a couple of Jennifer Cruisie's books, but I adore her sense of humor. I need to go pick up some of these others! smiles...
I've never read her, so I'd love to be entered! I'm in need of a couple good ChickLit books for my challenge!
This would be a new author for me, so please count me in!
I just joined the Goodreads group.
I have never read any of her books - looks like that will have to change!
Hey Amy!
I absolutely love the first "chick" picture on this post. So cute!!
I'd like to entered to win this book. I haven't read any of her books but it definitely sounds fun.
Thanks so much,
mishtakes AT gmail DOT com
I also posted a link to this contest on my sidebar 8)
Just posted about this on Win A Book. Sounds like a fun author! Don't enter me though.
Nope, no need to enter me. I'm just dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.
I've never read Jennifer Cruise, but I'd love the opportunity. Please count me in. Thank you!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I have never had the opportunity to read Jennifer Cruise -- sounds like I should! I would love to read this one!
Looks like a fun book! Enter me, please and thank you!
un_pissenlit (at) hotmail (dot) com
Count me in:)
Please enter me - Agnes sounds fun and empowering!
Thanks for the giveaway :)
Thanks for having this giveaway. I love Jennifer Crusie's books, but I haven't read this one yet. My favorites of hers are Anyone But You and Getting Rid of Bradley.
Please add me to the drawing. I need these for a change of pace.
I will try and pick this one up tomorrow, and let you know what I think of it. I do like a book that can make me laugh out loud. Sounds like a "plum" book.
I'm starting to get into chick lit more and more. This book sounds great so please enter me!
jgbeads AT gmail DOT com
Count me in please!
bunnybx at gmail . com
Oh a new author for me too! I love some light and fun chick books!! I will be adding that linky to my blog later on tonite when I get a minute!!! And what a cuuuuute chickie photo!!!!
grizzlys4 AT yahoo.com
Cute button on sidebar
bunnybx at gmail . com
Getting Rid of Bradley is my alltime favorite by her. I gotta tell you I read it when it was first released back in the day as a Harlequin Temptation. I knew she was destined for great things and kept that original edition. Charlie all Night is another favorite, also originally a HT.
I've never read her books but they sound like a really fun read. Would love to read one.
msboatgal at aol.com
Thanks for the tip on Amy Cruise! She sounds hilarious. I'll have to pick one of her books up soon! I just added my blinkie and please put me in the drawing to win!
FYI, is signed up for goodreads! I'll add my pic soon!
I've heard this is a good book. Please enter me. Thanks!
Is it an international contest?
I do wonder since it's a hardback.
Well is so then I am in
blodeuedd1 (at) gmail (dot) com
I've never heard of her but the title sounds interesting. Pelase do enter me if international.
I haven't read any of her work, truthfully, I haven't heard of her before. But I would love to check it out. Thanks for the opportunity.
I loved Agnes and the Hitman too. It was a hoot. I've also read Crazy For You, Bet Me, and Tell Me Lies. I love books that are romantic and funny and she definitely writes them
I've never heard of Cruise - I MUST check her out! I could really use a good laugh ;)
So much going on in here! Fabulous! I've joined in everything and now I added your adorable lil blinkie to my sidebar :)
Thanks!!! ~ Margie
I too have never heard of this author, so thanks for leting me know, I definatly plan on looking for her books and thanks for the chance to read one.
unforgetable_dreamer_always (AT) hotmail (DOT) com
This would be a new author for me! tWarner419@aol.com
I need some crazy, funny chicklit for the summer! Count me in!
I'd love to check this out! Thanks!
I love the title! Thanks for letting us know about it! Will check it out when I can!
I LOVE Jennie Crusie's books! They're always funny as heck... =) Great giveaway!
Ooooh, I really like jennifer Crusie. Please enter me in the drawing.
I have never read anything by this author, but thanks to your review I have orded Agnes and the Hitman on Paperback Swap. :) Please enter me in your giveaway. :)
Please include me in your giveaway.
I would love a chance to win this book! Thanks for offering the giveaway=)
I haven't read any of her books...but I keep meaning to so this would be a great way to start :)
and your links on my sidebar: http://book-splot.blogspot.com
I have never read any of Jennifer Cruise's books. I would love to read this book sounds quite enjoyable. Thanks for the giveaway.
itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com
This one looks like fun! Please enter me :)
I SO need a light funny read! This would be just the thing!
Sounds great!
I haven't read any of Jennifer's books yet. I'm anxious to read some of her books soon. purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
Jennifer's books are great fun! Please enter me to win Faking It.
never read any of them, but would love to! thanks!
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