Friday, June 12, 2009


To Beguile A Beast
Elizabeth Hoyt
What is it about a wounded man that drives
me crazy??
Alistair has been hiding in his dilapidated Scottish castle since being wounded in the war. Wounded and scarred he has hidden himself from the world.
Helen has taken her two children and fled life in the ton to escape the Duke she has been mistress to, trying to carve out a better life for her and her children.
She arrives at Alistair's castle determined to start a new life as his housekeeper.
Slowly, Alistair notices as his house begins to come back to life with the love that Helen and her children have bestowed upon it, so does his heart for Helen. But, not everything can go as planned when the Duke finds Helen and his children and tries to take them back.
I really liked this story. I'm enjoying the turn a lot of historical romances I've read lately have taken, not assuming that every heroine has to be some blushing virgin and every hero a rogue. The characters is this story are charming, and the love story between Alistair and Helen has this sweet, warm feeling to it that I truly enjoyed!

I have 5 copies to giveaway courtesy of Anna at Hatchette!

US and Canada Only please no PO Boxes!!

1. Leave a comment with your email +1

2. Please TWEET about this contest!! +1

3. Follow Me on TWITTER! +2 (

4.Post this contest on Your Facebook page!! +3

Please link me back for extra entries! THANK YOU!!

Winners of Bound To Please ARE





tina werner said...

never read a historical romance, so i'd love to win this book and give it a whirl!


stampitchick at yahoo dot ca

Kaye said...

I recently read A Hint of Wicked for my giveaway and tour and really enjoyed this historical romance genre. Please enter me in the contest.


Booklover1335 said...

I would love to win this book!!

I follow your blog, and follow you on twitter.

I have also added a link to my blog about this contest (sidebar)


Bridget said...

No need to enter me - just posted on Win A Book

Minding Spot said...

Would love to win this!

wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com

ShadowsTomes said...

I've seen this on many blogs and it looks like a fun read!

here's what i did:

-tweeted about it (@lexley)
-am now following you on twitter (@lexley)
-posted about it on facebook (melissa caldwell)


Barb Davis said...

Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks a million!

Ashley Newell said...

Not my normal reading but I'll give it a try if I win. :)

actressangel at gmail

Ashley Newell said...

I popped this on FB for you too. I hope my mommy friends are entering, I know lots of them love to read.

Unknown said...

If you like historical romances you should check out Laura Willig I really got caught up in her series. It's not what I would call an obvious romance one. I really like it.

K Giardina said...

Good morning!

Thanks for the contest - sounds like a fun historical.

I follow your blog, as well.

Happy Friday!

kim DOT giardina at gmail

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners, enjoy your book.

Thanks for the book giveaway, I have not read a historical in a long time. Have a great weekend.


I ♥ Book Gossip said...

I would love to give this book a try. Count me in.

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Contest is posted on my site.

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

I am a follower. Extra entry please.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Dixie said...

I'd love to read this one!

Dixie said...

I follow you on twitter and here is my tweet.


Dixie said...

I posted this on my facebook page.
Dixie Theriault


Dixie said...

I link to you from my blog. I have the chick button plus you are on my blogroll.


ossmcalc said...

Would love to read this book. Please enter me into the contest.

Thank you,


ossmcalc said...

Have posted this giveaway on my Facebook page with a link back to your website.

Thank you,


Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered. Thanks.

carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com

Lisa N. said...

I'd love a chance to win this book!!

rocket_kay at hotmail dot com

Pissenlit said...

You used the words "charming" and "sweet". Now I think I have to read this book. :) Count me in, please and thank you!

un_pissenlit (at) hotmail (dot) com

Charleydog said...

I must be getting mushy in my old days but I would love to read this book.

Kitten22 said...

This looks great! Please enter me!


throuthehaze said...

sounds great!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

i follow on twitter

Lee said...

Amy.............I am sooooooooooooo glad I'm not the only one who ADORES historical romance novels!!!! LOL It's such a perfect escape from life!!! LOL

Dawn M. said...

I like Elizabeth Hoyt books. :0) Haven't read this one yet though. Would love to win a copy. Count me in!

librarygrinch at gmail dot com

limecello said...

Oh I'd love to win this contest - will tweet about it when I get to school and post to facebook :)

Zia said...

I have an award for you here:

The Giveaway Diva said...

hi this sounds awesome!! yay!! =)


The Giveaway Diva said...

i am a follower on twitter!


Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Thanks!


Jackie said...

Please enter me


Luvdaylilies said...

Oh, I want to read this book!
Thanks for hosting the giveaway=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

CherylS22 said...

Hope I'm not too late - please count me in!


Roxy said...

Please count me in, too!

roxane dot elder at gmail dot com