Friday, April 17, 2009


Hey There My CHICKS!!!

Ready for a little FUN!!

Stakes and Stilettos
Michelle Rowen

I love how a fresh look at vampires
can make them all fun again!
Michelle Rowen's vampires don't
go around trying to bite everyone, or kill people. They don't control minds, have super human strength, or turn into bats.
They mostly drink their blood from a style. They breathe, have beating hearts, and can walk around in sunlight. In fact, they're almost human...almost...except for immortality and pesky liquid diets.

Sarah Dearly is a newly turned vamp who is trying to get used to her new life, but the universe is working against her. In a matter of a week she loses her job, gets staked, gets cursed by a witch to be a nightwalker, And to top things off she's having trouble talking her boyfriend's wife into letting him go so that they can be together.

This is actually the 4th book in the Immortality Bites series, #5 is due out August 25 of this year, so you have plenty of time to catch up. I really enjoyed this fresh look at vampires.

Michele Rowen's characters are funny, witty, and people I would want to hang out with. I thought I had pretty much read everything that could be written about vampires, I'm pleasantly surprised and pleased to say that I haven't.

The Winners of the 5 Copies ARE:






Ladies, you'll be recieving an email from me

Please respond with your address within 48 hours or

I pick new CHICKS!

Today's Giveaway is

My copy of the following three books

(so they are gently read by me)
All of Me by Lori Wilde
Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione
Stakes and Stilettos by Michele Rowen

I will pick 3 winners to be announced next Friday, April 24th!

All you need to do for this one is leave a comment
BUT, please put your email in your comment or it won't count

Random Blinkie winner this week is:
send me your address for a suprise Chickadee!!

grab my chick and put it on your sidebar
(with a link)
link me back for a chance at
a random act of reading happiness!!
(have questions email me are growing like crazy over at
lots of fun conversation and chickiness

49 members and counting in the Chic Book Chick Group!!
Come and join us!!!!

See my sidebar for more places to win free books!
Scroll down for my other giveaways!!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of your support!!

Don't forget to come by for SELF HELP SUNDAY!!!


Liyana said...

I'd love to have Stakes and Stilettos!

tina werner said...

thanks for the chance to win!

stampitchick at yahoo dot ca

Robynccgirl said...

Congrats to the winners! Great books as always Amy!

Jana said...

Congrats ladies.
These books sounded so good, I already have the first one on the way to me through Paperback Swap. Love that site. Thanks for turning me on to it. My girls thank you too. I've posted several books and gotten several back already. Some for my girls.
Anyway, I would be interested in the 2nd or 3rd book.
jdeegs @ (w/o spaces)

Bingo said...

Hoorah for the winners! Let's hope my name comes up one of these days. I so love this blog even if I am not totally sure how to enter sometimes...but I am getting there. I would love to win these copies...can just see me now teaching school in stilettos! thanks!

JackeeG4glamorous said...

I love books, found your blog via "A place for me", where I am kind of worried about dianna. Anyway, thanks for the chance to win at this give-away. I'd love to read the fun vampire series. Doesnt' sound as dark as "Twiglight", more interesting fun like "Moonlight", my favorite now cancelled Friday night vamp show. is my email, but my blog is

Unknown said...

Congrats to the winners! Looks like some great books for today's giveaway, so please enter me!

jgbeads AT gmail DOT com

♔ jessica.marie said...

I would love to be entered!

lovejessicamarie [@] gmail [.] com

JackeeG4glamorous said...

I can't seem to "grab your chic" could you help me with the URL?

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners. Thank you for the giveaway Amy. Have a great weekend.


LuAnn said...

Congratulations, Danie, Tetewa, Holly, Nicole and Violet!!!
Well, put my name in the hat for next week.

donnas said...

Congrats Winners!

Please include me for the next drawing.


bacchus76 at myself dot com

flip said...

Please include me....Have a great weekend everyone

flip at tetonvalley dot net

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said...

Woo Hoo! It's great to see that things are going well for you :)

Thanks for bringing all of these wonderful reads to the spotlight!

{{hugs}}, margie

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Aargh, it's hard to say no (I really want to read Larissa Ione's book!), but ... shoot.

I've got this posted at Win a Book for you. Thanks for the e-mail, darling!

Jodi C. said...

Hi, I found this from UNITY HHH, what a GREAT idea you have here!! Please include me, THANKS!!

Violet said...

Is it international?

if yes, please enter me...

scottsgal said...

I'd love to read any of these, congrats to all the winners!

msboatgal at

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners!

Please count me in on this, I'd love to win Passion Unleashed!

jaam121388 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Congrats to all the winners!

I'd love to win any of these books, so please enter me, I don't mind the gently read books at all!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Dottie :)

Sara M said...

Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione and Stakes and Stilettos by Michele Rowen sound like amazing books. Haven't heard much about All of Me by Lori Wilde, but I'd give it a shot.

Enter me into the contest please. :]

Sara M
silentalibis (at) yahoo (dot) com

Marie said...

I would love to read any of these three, they look great!

Shelley K. said...

I'd love to have Stakes and Stillettos :) Thanks for a great giveaway :)

Unknown said...

I'd like to read all 3!


tetewa said...

I'm loving Larissa's series and would like to be included for hers! Thanks for the congrats everyone!

Bethany said...

I would love to read Steaks and Stillettos --- The Goodreads Group is awesome!

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

Please enter me Amy!!

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

Janicu said...

I'd like to try out Passion Unleashed! :)

Jen said...

Please enter me?

Kelly said...

I love me some free books! :)

I'll definitely put your chic on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to all the winners! That's awesome!

Please enter me in this next giveaway. The books all look good. Thanks!


drey said...

I'd love to win Stakes & Stilettos! =) dreyshouse at gmail dot com

Kitten22 said...

These look great! Please enter me for Stakes and Stilettos!


VioletReads said...

Wow! Thank you so much! I'm so excited to read Stakes and Stilettos!

Andrea said...

I love this series and can't wait to read the next one...please enter me!

KR said...

I'd love these.

mj.cowaed at

Pissenlit said...

Congrats to the winners!

un_pissenlit (at) hotmail (dot) com

Llehn said...

Count me in too! Thanks!


Kytaira said...

Congrats to all the winners!

I'd love to be in the drawing.

lynda98662 at yahoo dot com

Lee said...

You're the best Amy!!!! HUGS!!

Wrighty said...

Congrats everyone! Please include me for this contest. These books all sound good. Thanks for another fun contest!


a real librarian said...

Thanks for the chance to win!!


Unknown said...

Oooh! I want Stakes and Stilettos! Thanks:)


jwx4 said...

congrats all. Please add me to the current giveaway. thanks.

Sarah said...

I'm a crazy obsessive reader and I just discovered your site! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners and it is hard choice between the three books. They are all fabalous.


bloggytreasures said...

Yay for the winners and please enter me in the new giveaway!