I have read very few self help books in my time...
I though these 3 sounded pretty interesting
1. "Throw Out Fifty Things" by Gail Blake
Here's what I can tell you...I am sending my copy of this book to my Best Friend Stephanie in Japan... I don't think she's thrown anything away since 1975...which was the year she was born (I am not a hoarder of crap, pretty paper and stamps and things that sparkle maybe, but not crap) However, if I was a hoarder of crap, not just "crap" crap (like the strawberry Kissing Potion that's been in your makeup bag since 1984- Chapter 2) , but also emotional life "crap"...(like maybe "Letting go of the Need to Feel Secure" Chapter 18)...ooh did I say I wasn't a hoarder...? OK...I really loved the funny little stories in every chapter, and how she added a score card at the end of each one for you to fill out...a sort of journal of "crap" if you will. From your bathroom to your brain the author leads you on a journey of getting rid of all the things weighing you down. For me, I had some serious moments in the second half of the book "Attacking the Mental Mess"...where I thought..."seriously,does this woman know me?"...The point is well taken. Thanks Gail!
2. "Mrs. Meyer's Clean Home " by Mrs Thelma Meyer
Um, personally I think cleaning is over-rated...what's the point it's all just going to get dirty again, right?...Ok Just kidding...well kind of...What I liked about this book is that it
a. gives you recipies for cleaning products from your own kitchen which are also chemical free and very "green"
b. has an actual schedule by day, week and month of how to tackle different cleaning projects, from your kitchen (daily) to your gutters (monthly) I will never be this organized
c.It has a VERY HANDY index so if say I needed to get some red wine and chocolate out of a blouse...welllll that's on page 168-169...very helpful (not that I've ever had to do that)
To me, this book is a great reference book for the index alone.
3. "How To Mess Up Your Child's Life" by Olivia and Kurt Bruner
I laughed a lot reading this book, and I hope I can explain it well..The authors Olivia and Kurt Bruner are married and the parents of 4 children. Kurt is a Pastor with the "Focus on the Family" movement and Olivia is a former Schoolteacher and you can read all about them and their other works here. This is a very different take on a parenting book, (which I typically avoid because I don't want to be a better parent...) in that first, it's entertaining. And second it shows several (ok 7) really good examples of what we are all probably guilty of in one way or another in our parenting, and then kind of shows us the light, if you will....it was informative and very funny without being overly preachy or making me feel guilty.
I am giving away 5 sets of each of these books...yes that's right there will be 5 winners and you're each getting all three books (us and canada only no po boxes) Thanks to Hatchette Book Group for these books.
...I know, you love me
AND I'm going to make it easy
1. leave a comment +1
2. refer a friend who's not already a follower, and get them to become one +5 (this friend can also then refer...Please leave a second comment and have your referral state in their comment who referred them)
Please leave your email in your comment
Winners will be announced here Next Sunday April 12th...where I will be announcing another self help giveaway..hooray!!

Wow, that's a great and generous giveaway! I can't join, but I'll definitely post this up on my blog. (:
What a great giveaway....count me in!
I read a lot of self help books, a little of this and a little of that. I'm usually able to take away a few good tips from each. These all sound like good books, especially the 2nd and 3rd. You've been quite the reader lately! I'm having a hard enough time keeping up with my magazines! LOL
Normally I am not a self help book person, but these books sound interesting and like something I need. Thanks for the opportunity!
Wow Amy! Great reviews! I would love to read all of them. I will have to let all my friends know about your sight! Thanks!
I can use any help I can get in the subjects covered by these books! Please enter me.
jgbeads AT gmail DOT com
I love self-help books. Please enter me in this great giveaway.
I am also a follower.
I'd love to be included in the drawing.
unsealmylips at gmail dot com
I'd love to be included as well, Thanks :o) iheartmonster at iheartmonster dot com
All three of these sound great!
Just blogged about this on Win A Book. No need to enter.
please enter me into this giveaway.
I'd love to win. I've really been wanting that book about throwing out 50 things. I need an intervention!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
Okay I can relate to the first and second book, by any chance do they come with a person to complete any of the task they write about? LOL
Well, I am around 100 pages in the "The girl she used to be" - it has it moments, but it has it's low, but the capture & the ride to the Italian restaurant with you know who, was good. But she is now back with the you know who's, and cupcakes, so we'll see what happens next. LOL
Please enter me ^_^
I should probably go throw out 50 things anyway ^_^
Mind if I link this?
Great set of books, looking forward to my chance at a win!
misadventureswithandi AT gmail DOT com
sounds like fun- goodness knows I could stand to throw out a lot more than 50 things! Please enter me in this giveaway.
Foreign Circus Library
Great giveaway. I'd love to be entered.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
I've read the Olivia and Kurt Bruner one. Was torn between keepign it and donating it to my church library. Ended up donating it. I can always check it back out! Good stuff!
This sounds great! Please enter me!
Please enter me, too!
I would LOVE to win one of these sets. Throw out 50 Things could really help me out!
Fab giveaway :)
Thanks for sharing!!!
~ margie
This is a great batch of books. I'd love to win them. Thanks for the chance!
rocket_kay at hotmail dot com
I would love the "Throw Out 50 Things" book! That sounds fab. :)
The other two sound interesting, too, but I'm not the cleaning type. That's what husbands and kids are for, right??? ;)
I am definitely a hoarder of the worst kind and can't possible mess up my kids any further. I can use all three books cause everyone knows I don't clean either!! lol
Thanks for the great giveaway
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
These sound like great books. I know I could use some help getting rid of stuff or some motivation to clean the house every once in a while. And the third book just sounds like fun. *grin*
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
Cool giveaway. Please enter me. Thanks!
I have to agree that self help books aren't my thing, but these do sound pretty interesting.
Please enter me in this contest.
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