Standing By
The Making of a Military Family
in the Time of War
by Alison Buckholtz
Whatever your political affiliations may be, I hope that you support our men and women serving and who have served both here and over seas. As both an Air Force veteran and wife, I have lived the military for my entire adult life. I have no idea what it would be like to not have this family, these friends, this connection to our country that makes my heart swell everytime I listen to the National Anthem.
There are not enough good things for me to say about this book. The author, Alison Buckholtz, married her Navy Pilot husband, shortly after Septemper 11th, 2001. Having never experienced military life first hand, this is the story of her family, and some of the families they have served with. With sensitivity and respect, the author tells the story of the heroes who stay home, the husbands, wives and children who are left behind while their loved ones are serving.
The Author is honest in her views, and does not pull any punches. She describes herself as a "warrior on behalf of her family" which I feel is an incredibly accurate depiction of the family members of todays military.
This is NOT a book about politics, it seeks to show the reader what life is like for military families today. I've never read or seen anything that puts this life into words so well. I kept earmarking passages as I went through, there are just too many to put them all here...but for me in the first few pages Buckholtz is able to sum it up like no one ever has:
" Supporting America as a military family has little to do with who sits in the Oval Office, which political party dominates Congress, or even how we feel about the Global War on Terorism. I feel strongly that terms like "pro-war" and "antiwar" don't apply anymore because the complexity of the situation we find ourselves in as a country transcends past positions. My feelings about service members and their families, however, are not complicated. I have never met people who worked harder, spoke more earnestly, or internalized a stronger sense of responsibility towards their fellow citizens. Marrying into the military granted me a passport to an America I never knew existed, populated by a people whose overwhemling public silence masks lives lived at an intensity that would crush most mortals."
See what I mean?
I am giving away my copy of this book to one lucky reader!
To Enter:
1. Leave a comment WITH your email
and I will also be adding this to our book group at
Want to join? Just sign up at Goodreads and look under groups
for ChicBookChick and join us!!
Today's Random Linky winner is:
Mary (meah56)
Every Friday I pick someone who
has put my linky on their sidebar for a
random act of reading happiness
Winner of Joshilyn Jackson's
The Girl Who Stopped Swimming
Christine (Scullylove)
Jackie (jacquelinez)
Kristen (whitreidsmama)
Jessica (livingthesilverdream)
Chicks, you'll be getting an email from me!!
that's it for today!!

I would love to read this book. It sounds great. I don't know if you noticed at the very bottom of my blog I link to Citizen SAM. When you have a moment, take a look!
meah56 AT gmail DOT com
Now I'm heading to goodreads (I'm a member) to check out your group.
This sounds like a very interesting read. I'll also be checking out your book group :)
Congrats to the winners. Everyone have a great weekend. :)
wow Amy! Looks like another great book! And as a spouse of a Marine I am always looking for positive books like this!
Sounds like a wonderful read!
wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com
My stepdaughter's husband is leaving for his third tour in Iraq, so this would be a great book to read and pass on to her!
I bet that's an amazing book. I have great respect for military families and all they have to deal with.
Please enter me!
That sounds amazing! What a neat way to get another perspective.
This looks really fascinating! Please enter me!
Half of my family has been in the military (all are retired by now). Just posted on Win A Book. No need to enter me.
I would love to read this. I have had extended family in the military, but no one in my immediate family, so I'm sure this book would be educational.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
Hey Amy. When one member serves, the entire family serves, even if it's in a different way. Sounds like a very interesting read.
fibrejunky at g mail dot com
I would love to read this.
I have to reiterate the comment made by my friend FibreJunky (whom I've been a friend to for over ten years now thanks to the military).
donna dot swafford at g mail dot com
Amy, the Jessica that won today is my cousin!! She found your blog through mine. I didn't even realize it till she told me today. She's a HUGE book lover so I'm glad she found you!
Have a great weekend.
This is awesome AMY!
actressangel at gmail
Amy, this looks like an awesome book. My husband is also a Marine and it is comforting to hear/read other people's stories. I am definitely going to be checking out your group! Looks like a great one! :)
Sounds like a very insightful book Amy.
Wow, I've been an Army wife for 8 years now and I would love to read this! It would be nice to read someone's thoughts on the battles we face every day! Please enter me!
What at interesting book. I support our troops and think this book sounds great.
Sounds like a great book. Would love to be the lucky winner.
I would love to read this book. I support our military and especilly the families who remain behind to keep things together.
I haven't ever had a connection to military life so this would be a riveting read and quite illuminating!
I'd love to win this book. Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
I was so excited and happy to win and I thank Amy very much for sending me a copy of The Girl Who Stopped Swimming! I'm really looking forward to reading it.
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