Buckle in, I've got a review and then several winners
to announce
SO stick with me!
April and Oliver
by Tess Callahan
I was obviously not meant to get any sleep this week. I've read one amazing book after another!
April and Oliver, best friends since they were kids, but later separated by time and space, find that their paths cross again due to the untimely and tragic death of April's brother Buddy.
Oliver, the overly responsible, engaged law student find himself more and more drawn into April, who needs to be saved most of all from herself and her past. Memories and loss combine, driving their need for each other once again. Sexual tension and yearning builds with a fervor, and more than once I wondered if they would destroy themselves or each other.
There is so much going on in this story that it's nearly impossible to give too much detail without making it seem like it's less than it is. It's the Longing that the author builds here that pulls at you and doesn't let go, not even when it's over. You can't help but to care about these characters when they're written and developed with such compulsion.
What I loved about the way these characters were written, is that even though I don't share their problems, I understood them, empathized with them and felt emotionally invested in their story.
I have one copy to giveaway courtesy of Miriam at Hatchette. US and Canada only please no PO Boxes.
To enter Please leave me a comment WITH YOUR EMAIL!!
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If you grab her (by copying and saving to your computer as a .jpeg) and link her to me on your blog, or myspace, or facebook page AND link me back here. You will have a chance to be a Random Linky Winner!!! Due to the rising cost of postage, I need to spread out random linky winner a little more,so instead of every Friday, I will choose random winners twice a month.
You never know when!!
Hint of Wicked Winners ARE
Prize Pack Winner is
Shapeshifter Winner is
Execution of Justice Winner is
All winners will recieve an email from me!
Random Linky Winner
Chicks I need help with this one, if you link to me could you email me please with (chicklinky in the subj line)
I will throw everyone's name in a hat and pick a random winner, plus this will help me to build a list to choose from and to visit!
Have a wonderful weekend!!

WOW! This sounds like an amazing book. Count me in!
Congrats to all of the winners!
Please count me on for April and Oliver.
April & Oliver looks really cool :)
jaam121388 at yahoo dot com
This looks like another must read! Thanks for the review and another chance to win such an awesome book!
I'd love a chance to win. :)
Congrats weiners!
I would like to read this book
This is the second glowing review I've seen for this one. Please enter me!
whitreidsmama at yahoo.com
This sounds like a very interesting book. I read a few other reviews that really liked the book too.
Please enter me in the drawing. florida982002[at]yahoo[dot]com
Great review.
Please enter me.
I look forward to reading Execution of Justice - thank for the great giveaway!
count me in for this one too please!
melacan at hotmail dot com
this book sounds great!
I've heard alot of great things about this book. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks! Indigo
I need to welcome Sharon to the Trevolution, of course.
And to let you know that I've posted this at BOTH Win a Book sites. Reminder: next week, we go to the West of Mars platform! Blogspot no more!
thanks for the e-mail, doll. It helps on days like today, when I don't feel so well.
would love to win
mel at a skbphoto.com
I would love to read April & Oliver, please enter me :)
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
This one sounds great. count me in Thanks.
please count me in on the giveaway
Please enter me. mybookviews[at]gmail[dot]com
I absolutely loved t5his book and just finished up my giveway. Congrats on the contest!
A Novel Menagerie
Oh, I've been wanting to read this book! Also, it's got such a pretty cover!
un_pissenlit (at) hotmail (dot) com
I'd love to win this - please count me in
msboatgal at aol.com
Very interesting cover, Tess. The two layers of blue and dark sea and waves, is it a presentation of the internal turmoil Oliver and April have?
Steamy Darcy
Please include me in your giveaway. I love to read and would like to read this one. Thank you.
Congrats to all the winners! Amy I've sent you an e-mail, thanks again!
I have this book on my Wish List. Please count me in. Thank you!
And congratulations everyone!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I am so envious of you for I have been on a shumcky read path lately, I'm not sure where I took the wrong turn yet I am dyeing to get off of this path!!!! A good read is a dream of mine now...!
Thanks for the offer and positive notes about this bok!!!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I am also am on FB and am now following you ...thanks for posting the link!!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
Please count me in! Thanks!
I'd love to read this one! Count me in too!
Looks great, please enter me!
I'd like to be included!
Please enter me!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Sounds like a good read - please count me in!
Oh boy I better get me off this computer and reading! Include me in for this one.
Well, didn't win the last one (congrats to the winners) but maybe this one?! Please enter me!
whitreidsmama at yahoo.com
Enter me, too, please :D
Please include me in the giveaway
Yes, this one looks great, count me in!
julyso@grandecom DOT net
Wow, this looks so amazing. Thank you!
Great review and super giveaway! I would love to win a copy of this book! Please include me in the contest.
I've seen great reviews on this one!
This sounds like a great book..please count me in!
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