Tuesday, June 2, 2009

In Over Her Head...

In Over Her Head
by Judi Fennell

As you know, I've read a lot of paranormal romance.
I can say for sure though, none of them have ever included a Mer Man. Which, for me is what made this book so much fun!

Erica Peck is a Marina owner who is afraid of the ocean. Carrying out her Grandfather's wishes by spreading his ashes out to sea, she inadvertently also throws with them the diamonds her snake of a boyfriend hid in the urn.

Reel was out human watching when he saw the one he remembered from his boyhood with a gun pointed at her head. When she gets shot, he has two choices, let her get eaten by Vincent the old Great White in his territory, or turn her into a water breather.

Before she can accept there's so much more to this world than she ever imagined, Erica finds herself depending on Reel for her life. They embark on an underwater diamond hunting expedition, trying to avoid Sea Monters, a very hungry Kracken,
And love...

This is a great one to take to the pool or beach chicks! A fun, light romantic read!

I have one copy up for grabs!
Please note,It is my Review Copy!
So, gently used.

US and Canada Only please

To enter Please Leave a comment with your email!!
You can purchase the book at Amazon.com by clicking below!

Winner of Outcast by Cheryl Brooks is

Winner of Mating Rituals of The North American Wasp is
Chicks, I'll be emailing you!!!

Do you have a business you're trying to get noticed?

I'm offering advertising space here

Prices are very reasonable

Please email me if you're interested at

castellanoamy (at) yahoo (dot) com

That's it for today!



Kelly said...

Hmmm, a Mer Man might be too far out there for me. Is it halfway believeable?? :)

Margay Leah Justice said...

I would love to get a copy of this book! I was lucky enough to read the first couple of chapters in a contest a couple of years back, so I'm curious to know how it ends!

Margay1122 (at) aol (dot) com

Dixie said...

This book sounds delightful.

M. said...

I've started seeing this book around blogland, and even though the cover seems generic (though to be fair: it is more logical than for other kinds of cover guys for a man who lives underwater to have a bare chest! lol!) the premise sounds unusual.

Kat Sheridan said...

I've read it and it's great! Lighthearted and wildly funny in places, but the dark moments and conflict are believable, plus, it's very sexy! However, having left my copy in Paris, I'd love to have another!

CherylS22 said...

I've been wanting to read this book - please count me in!


scottsgal said...

sounds like a fun summer read - please count me in

msboatgal at aol.com

Chris said...

I've been hearing this title more and more lately...I scoffed at first, but I've heard such good things! I'd love to win a copy!


Elaine G said...

This sounds like a good book.Please include me in the giveaway,I'd really like to read it.

Pissenlit said...

Ooooh, I really want to read this one! Count me in, please and thank you!

un_pissenlit (at) hotmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I want to read this.


Sarah said...

This looks good.


KR said...

I'd love to be a wter braether but only if I could be human too!!! Please count me in!


Carolyn said...

Help I am stranded in the ocean.. Okay look away from the book cover, look away from the book cover..LOL
It sounds like a good one. I am swimming in books at the moment. I also had book arrive in the mail - One Deadly Sin, by Annie Solomon - I believe it came from you, but I hope it wasn't someone else copy. I was suppose to get Bobbi Brown. But really it isn't no big deal, just don't want someone to come hollering at you... And, no you cannot send them hollering to me.. hee hee

throuthehaze said...

sounds like a good read!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Yum! the cover alone has me hooked! Thanks for the contest

brandewaldron(at)yahoo (dot) com

tetewa said...

I've been hearing alot about this one! Count me in.

Gaby317 said...

This looks like a fun read! please count me in.

gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com

Ladytink_534 said...

I wasn't going to enter at first but then I started reading the synopsis and was hooked (bad pun, I know)! Please enter me!


delitealex said...

Sounds like a great read.


Anonymous said...

What a great book, thanks for the giveaway.


Sue A. said...

Another must have book! Count me in!

magenta 2 red [at] gmail [dot] com

Mari said...

Please enter me!

runningmatey at hotmail dot com